75th IOL Anniversary Experience

This year ESCRS celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the pivotal first implantation of an intraocular lens by Sir Harold Ridley by bringing his story, and that of IOL developments since, to the Annual Congress in Barcelona.

Come to the Exhibition Hall for the “75th IOL Anniversary Experience” and walk through Ridley’s office and operating theatre, learn how the idea of implanting a lens came to him, how the IOL was designed and implanted and how the wider profession reacted to this unprecedented change to the field of cataract surgery.

The “75th IOL Anniversary Experience” will also tell the story of IOL developments since Ridley’s first, with help from the industry partners who have designed and manufactured the story of IOLs since 1949, with a view to looking beyond into the future of IOL development and technologies.

Guided by Storytelling, there will be Infographic spots, combined with an IOL Evolution Timeline Wall as well as a Tunnel Museum featuring selected museum pieces.


The Tunnel Museum will take place with the support of the
Societat Catalana d’Oftalmologia Jove.