
Secure your Hotel Booking for ESCRS 2024

MCI has reserved a large number of hotel rooms in various hotels in different price categories.

Kindly make your reservation while you are registering online. Reservations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual participants and groups are asked to book their hotel online.

Hotels Map

Click on the map* below to view details of the different hotels available for room bookings as part of your ESCRS Barcelona 2024 registration.

*By clicking on or interacting with the map link above, you acknowledge that you are landing on a third-party service. The latter may use your data according to their privacy policy. MCI declines all responsibility.

The time of year when the Congress takes place tends to be very busy. We recommend that you proceed with your online registration and booking in a timely manner to ensure availability.

Unauthorised Agencies Warning

The official organising, registration and housing bureau for the ESCRS Congress 2024 Barcelona is MCI Suisse SA and you should only trust information from legitimate sources like the ESCRS website, the official Congress, ESCRS iNovation® Day, Winter Meeting websites, and MCI website.

It is important to be aware that you may be contacted by phone or email, or see advertising, by unauthorised individuals or companies that act as travel agencies, wholesalers, or destination management companies to solicit you with aggressive or deceptive tactics for services or information including registrations.

They may also misrepresent themselves as the official registration and housing bureau and may illegally use the Congress name or logo.

Exhibiting and sponsoring companies may also be contacted fraudulently to obtain delegate lists for payment. Under applicable GDPR regulations, ESCRS will not sell any delegate lists to any entity.

Please be aware that such companies do not represent ESCRS or MCI and are not mandated to act on their behalf.

If you are contacted by someone asking if you need to register to the ESCRS Congress 2024 Barcelona or asking if you need a room, please do not complete your registration and/or room booking with such entities and do not process any of the payments they may request.

Registrations purchased in this manner will not give access to the ESCRS Congress 2024 Barcelona.

If you are contacted by companies unrelated to ESCRS, the ESCRS Winter Meetings or the ESCRS Annual Congresses, or if they represent themselves as the official Congress Secretariat for ESCRS Meetings and Congresses, please obtain as much information as you can, such as the name of the company, the person calling and their telephone number – then contact MCI Suisse SA here via email or call us: +41 22 33 99 576.

Should you require further information or want to confirm the legitimacy of any deals or services related to the Congress, please feel free to get in touch with us.