ESCRS 2025 Instructional Course submissions are now closed. Thank you for your contributions.
Instructional Course Submission Deadline: 31 October 2024 (23:59 CET)
Notifications to Submitters: By December 2024
Please note that no extension is possible. Courses received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Guidelines for submission:
- Each course has a course director who formulates the programme, submits the course and is responsible for the delivery of the programme.
- The course director must obtain written or email agreement of all speakers before submission of the abstract and include a valid email address for each speaker.
- Each person can be a director of a maximum of 2 courses.
- Each person can be a speaker or director in a maximum of 4 courses.
- The duration of all courses for 2025 will be 90 minutes.
- There must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 faculty members (and the course leader is considered as one of the faculty members).
- Use a short and scientific title for your Instructional Course abstract.
- A declaration of interest for each faculty member needs to be included; specifically you must indicate whether the course leader or any of the faculty members has a financial interest in the subject matter or receives funds from any mentioned company.
- The course leader must be present throughout the full duration of the course and the faculty members should be present for as much of the course as possible.
- If your course is accepted, you will be given a date and time for presentation. It is not possible to cancel an accepted course. Courses take place on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the Annual Congress.
- Instructional Course faculty who fail to turn up or arrange replacement speakers, will not be permitted to present in courses at future ESCRS Congresses.
- All submissions are reviewed by 3 independent reviewers. A sub-group of the education committee then reviews all courses to pre-select for final approval by the entire committee.
- ESCRS receives many more submissions than can be accepted, for example for Barcelona 2024 – only 111 courses from 370 submissions were accepted.
- If a course has been accepted for one or more years, it does not necessarily mean it will be accepted in the future.
- The factors and criteria for successful submission and ICC acceptance are:
- Topic of interest – we attempt to have most topics of interest covered by courses, trying to avoid having repetition of the same topic.
- Level of the course stated – basic/advanced.
- If held previously – number of participants (taking into account the day and time at Congress), and the evaluation scores.
- Selected topics as identified by the education committee may result in courses to be invited if no submissions have been received on those topics.
- Courses with international faculty from different countries have a higher chance of acceptance.
- Courses on a single product stand a lower chance of acceptance.
- Courses that are novel and have not yet been held may stand a higher chance of acceptance.
- Aim to have a good gender balance.
- The abstract should be as complete and informative as possible within the word count limit; one-line submissions are unlikely to be successful.